Order of St John of Jerusalem of
Rhodes and of Malta
Founders of "Children Not Numbers" were invited by HE Ambassador Ruffo di Calabria at Reception at the Embassy in the hope of opening diplomatic channels for children in Gaza.
On 12 June, 20024 at the Embassy the traditional Reception in honor of Sovereign Order of Malta's patron Saint.
Emphyteutical concession of the St. John’s Cavalier has been extended.
The Embassy of the Sovereign Order in La Valletta opens its doors to small groups' visits.
On April, 4th 2024 Dr Myriam Spiteri Debono is appointed as the 11th President of Malta.
At our Embassy a dinner in honour of President George Vella.
Three days full of insights, discussions, learnings and authoritative views.
The Grand Chancellor presenting Ms Maroma Camilleri, Deputy Librarian of the National Library of Malta with the Cross with Crown pro Merito Melitensi.
The Grand Commander of the Order of Malta Fra’ Emmanuel Rousseau attended a Mass at St. John’s Co-Cathedral on occasion of the Plenary Assembly of the Council of the Conferences of European Bishops.